Over the past couple of weeks, I have viewed several videos from our Mentor and Coaches where the content is about comparing ourselves to others. I realized by watching the videos, in building our business’ (especially in the early stages) we tend to compare ourselves to others, to gauge our success. (and where we fail)
I’m not sure if it’s a habit that is formed through listening to outside influences or whether it is rooted in how we perceive success as it applies to ourselves and our Business’. Often, we allow this “Comparison” to creep in and dictate our expectations of where we think we ought to be. Unfortunately, if not put in check, we can allow this expectation to progress to the point where it hinders our progress and even causes us to fail.
We thought this picture below would represent how a lot of us feel during the early stages of building our business…
Been there, done that!
We see the place where others are and somehow, we fail to remember or acknowledge how they got to where they are. The struggles that they have gone through and the huge learning process that finally, after years of trial and error, and a list of failures that would fill a notebook, doesn’t even register in our minds. We just want to focus on the end result of their success and think we can somehow skip over all the bad stuff and magically appear with our dream lifestyle. With coaching it is possible to avoid some of the struggles, but our coaches paid the price years ago in order to guide us on our Journey. There is still work to do on our part. We must not fall into the “Why I am not having the success that they are?” Comparison statistics unless we are willing to pay the price.
We see the nice new house, but fail to see the Mortgage Payment, Property Tax, Power Bill, Gas Bill, Maintenance Cost… etc.
We see the nice new sports car, but fail to see the Car Payment, Insurance Cost, Tire Cost, Maintainance Cost, Gas mileage… etc.
When we see the trained Athletes win Gold Medals, we need to remember the sacrifices that were made along the path to the podium. We need to remember all the long hours of Training, repeating the same process over and over till it becomes second nature and something that they could do with their eyes closed.
We can’t compare ourselves to those who have mastered their skills to be where they are today. We must compare “Ourselves of Today” to “Ourselves of Yesterday”. Only then will we have an accurate picture of our Success.
Where were we when we started?
What did we know about Affiliate Marketing when we decided to go on this Journey?
What skills have we learned since we started?
What skills have we Mastered?
What skills are we still learning?
Looking Back… How far have you come?
As long as we keep moving forward, we become better at what we do, faster at what we do, more proficient at what we do.
Look in the Mirror and realize that the person looking back at you is the only person that you should be comparing yourself to. If you are only one step ahead of where you were, then you are headed in the right direction.