This past week was another busy week. I had to prioritize what I was doing… otherwise I would end up being busy doing nothing at all.
Do you ever have days like that?
One of the hardest things to do when running different companies is to change gears and adjust your mindset to focus on the tasks at hand.
I must remind myself that I have control over some things and don’t have control over others.
At the Machine Shop, we have scheduled work hours. This helps overall to give me a start time and end time for getting tasks accomplished that specifically affect the machine shop and its workflows. However, machines break down, employees don’t show up, salespeople stop by, customers call, etc. all of which affect what you try to get accomplished. Before I know it, it’s Lunch Time…
During Lunch, I’m going over in my mind what I need to do when I get back to the shop.
When quitting time comes around, I have a routine of shutting down the machines, making sure the building is secure and the alarm gets set.
When I get into my vehicle, which happens to be the Locksmith Van, my mindset must shift again. I have jobs that are scheduled that I must accomplish which could be anything from a key make for a vehicle to a house or business rekey. I have scheduled times for certain jobs and some jobs go easy, others… may present challenges that you haven’t imagined. Screws get stuck, parts break, traffic issues on your way, people have tried to fix the issue and in turn have made the situation worse. When I reach the end of my locksmith jobs and I finally get home, I try to grab a quick bite to eat.
NOW, it’s time to work on my Affiliate Marketing business. I grab my laptop and check emails, go over the training sessions, read blog posts, study lessons, write blog posts, create workflows, write emails… Before I realize it, it’s 1:00 am and I must get back up at 4:30 am.
I have realized that in my past blog post, I have given more information and instruction about how things are done than I have on what I was actually doing in the business. I want to take a step back and say it can get overwhelming if you let it. I enjoy helping people, it’s what I have always done and perhaps the way I was raised. If you enjoy what you do, it’s not “WORK”. Don’t get me wrong, it requires certain things to be done but if you enjoy doing them, it doesn’t seem like work and you find a sense of accomplishment.
I’m getting back to basics.
I can’t help but say, “I’m excited about the new Affiliate System“. It’s the new program that we have been working with to build our business all in one place. It’s not available to the public yet, but it’s coming! “Impressive” is an understatement. We have been working on workflows and Autoresponder emails for our new subscribers. Think of a “Workflow” as a road that you are building for your subscribers to follow. You can add “Tags” to your Subscribers that represent the progression each Subscriber has made in their specific journey through your network of roads. Once your workflows are established, you can have an automated flow designed to direct your customers to a specific area based on their actions or even lack of actions.
We will cover in detail how we are doing this in our future blog post.
As for now, DO NOT let this PROCESS overwhelm you! You work at your own pace, one step at a time.
Talk to you in our next post!