One STEP at a time! It’s been a while since I made a post, so I thought you might like an update. Of course, if you have been following me then you deserve an update as well! As you know I work 2 full Time jobs and the Affiliate Marketing business was started as a…
Hard Choices Made Easy!
It’s been a while since we made a post, but sometimes life gets in the way. So how do you handle those tough decisions when they come your way? We all have choices which we have to make on a daily basis, Right? The first thing we need to do is Prioritize the choices in…
“Imitate” Good or Bad
What does it mean to imitate something? Right off hand you can probably think of some good examples and some bad examples, Right? Webster has several definitions of “Imitate” 1) to follow as a pattern, model, or example In most cases, this definition is what we hope to achieve when it comes to building our…
Two Most Important Things… Besides Your “WHY”
Two things that are a “Must Have” when building an Online Business in Affiliate Marketing besides your “WHY” Time Patience Let’s discuss “Time” first… (Which I have very little of at the moment…) Time as defined by Webster – the measured or measurable period during which an action, process, or condition exists or continues. We…
Willingness to LEARN…
When I started in the Affiliate Marketing business, I was about as green as you could be. The more I tried to learn on my own the greener I became… 🤢🤮 There was so much information out there that it was mind blowing. 😵🥴😩 Maybe you haven’t experienced it, but I sure did! How do…
A very interesting week has just gone by and now the weekend has come. What has changed in our world of our online business? Not much… One of the hardest things to comprehend while building our online business was it was not growing at the pace we would like. Of course, we all want to…
Adjust when Necessary 🛠
Wow, time flies by so quick these days. It seems the older I get, the faster the clock spins… With the Overtime still going on at the Machine Shop, it has become very hard to squeeze in time to work on our online business. In fact, even the Locksmith business has suffered a little. I…
Priorities and “WHY” 🥰
Hello again for this week’s Bold Post! It has been one heck of a week at the Machine Shop. Evidently, after we shut the shop down last Friday, we had a lightning storm come through and struck extremely close to our building. In turn, it ran in on one of our most important machines and…
Does Fear “Bug” You? 🪰
Does Fear Bug You? Over the last week, I have been able to spend time with Harper Grace. She never ceases to amaze me. From the attention she pays to detail, to the unfearful will to succeed she shows daily, she has always given 110% in everything she attempts, and because of that, I haven’t…
Don’t make a Mountain out of a Mole Hill!
Don’t make a Mountain out of a Mole Hill! When I was young, I heard this phrase quite often… “Don’t make a Mountain out of a Mole Hill”. I may not have totally understood what they meant at the time, but as I got older, I began to understand what that saying meant. So many…