In our last post we talked about “Targeted Traffic” and where to start looking for it. What we did not mention in the last post was Targeted Traffic can be broken down into 3 different categories.
To “Capture” Your Traffic, you must first understand the categories of Traffic and how they work.
- Traffic YOU OWN 🤔
Let’s take a closer look at each of these and more importantly how we can capture that traffic.
Traffic YOU CONTROL is traffic you can direct to wherever you want it to go. Traffic you receive through paid advertising would fall into this category. You control the traffic with links in your ads, banners, email marketing…etc., by directing them to a website or to a page of your choosing. You do not own this traffic. The traffic is owned by whichever platform it came through. You can, for a certain cost, change the flow of some of their visitors. Your AD becomes like road signs “🚧🚧🚧” which can and will direct a certain amount of traffic to flow in a different direction.
Traffic YOU DON’T CONTROL is traffic that comes because of your organic efforts. This type of traffic would come through sources such as Blogging, Search Engine Optimization (SEO), and even Post on your Social Media Sites. This Traffic is totally unpredictable as to when they will show up or how many. You can, however, affect your numbers by your quality and quantity of content. The more people that find you “Know, Like and Trust” you, the quicker this type of traffic will grow.
Traffic YOU OWN is the Ultimate type of traffic that we want to have. Your goal should be to make every effort to convert the other two forms of traffic into this Category. This is traffic that you have already paid the cost to obtain and there is no other cost associated with its acquisition. When your traffic enters this category, you can share your value with them, give them advice, and present them with your helpful offers. There is no future cost to have some other platforms send them to different offers, links, or pages for you, because you now own the traffic.
What are some ways that we can capture this traffic and move it into our “OWNED TRAFFIC” category?
First, in order for traffic to be considered “OWNED”, we must have a way to contact them, Right?
Having our customers’ contact information is the only way we can send them Value, Advice, and Offers directly… But… Most people just don’t offer up their contact information and asking for too much information right away, may scare some potential customers away because they have not had time to get to Know, Like, and Trust us. It will be a lot easier to get someone to give you their email address than it would to ask them for their email address, name, and phone number… What information would you be willing to give to a total stranger? We must first break through the barrier that often has been built by dishonest, inappropriate, deceitful, scammers this person has had contact with, in the past…
What if we had something we could offer in exchange for their information? Something that could possibly help them to take that “first step” in getting to Know, Like and Trust us?
You may remember we have discussed lead magnets in the past – in part 1 of >>Whirlwind of Success<<. Lead Magnets give us the ability to exchange something of value for our customers information.
Once you have your customers’ contact information, you will be able to communicate with them whenever you wish.
Tools that you will need to help build your list:
- Autoresponder (to send scheduled or broadcast emails)
- Something of Value (Lead Magnet)
- Capture Pages (Opt-in page, Bridge page)
Once you have these tools in place, you will start to build the second level of your Funnel – part 2 >>Whirlwind of Success<<
If you would like more information, be sure to check out some of our previous posts or leave a comment below.
We will be covering the “Follow Up” on our next post – you won’t want to miss it!
Harper Says:
It’s all about how your potential customer sees the VALUE of your offer.
Will they benefit from what they swap their Email Address for?
Will they feel comfortable giving you their Name as well as their Email Address?
Once they KNOW, LIKE, and TRUST you, they seem to look at you through a whole new pair of glasses.